About Us
The members of the Brantford Stamp Club are committed to providing a respectful and relaxed atmosphere in which to pursue the collecting of stamps, postal history and related items such as postcards and cinderellas (stamp-like elements not intended to prepay mailing services). The main objectives of the Brantford Stamp Club are:
• To promote the hobby of philately,
• To assist members in increasing their collections through sales, auctions, dealer contacts,
• To promote common interests,
• To encourage members to show their collections at shows and exhibitions.
The Brantford Stamp Clubs holds elections for the executive team at the second meeting of May every two (2) years. The elections are scheduled to be held in odd number years (ex. 2017, 2019, etc.). The current executive is
President: Bob Anderson
Past President: Paul James
Vice President: Brian Collins
Secretary: Ed Kimberley
Treasurer: Dorothy Lanyi
Directors: David Gashgarian, Ray Leach, Michael Perkins, Brian Ryder
Membership Types, Benefits & Fees
The Brantford Stamp Club has four different types of memberships available to the public. These are defined as:
- Adult: individuals 19 years of age and older,
- Family: one or two adults plus children (18 years of age and younger),
- Youth: individuals 18 years of age and younger, and
- Associate: individuals 19 years of age and older who have memberships at another Club.
The table below outlines the benefits of joining the Brantford Stamp Club.

The membership fees are due in September, the start of each philatelic season.

The Club is a member of the Grand River Philatelic Association (G.R.V.P.A.) and is chapter #1 of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada (R.P.S.C.).
Brantford Stamp Club History
The initial meeting of the Brantford Stamp Club was held in September 1938 in the Y.M.C.A. building with 14 stamp collectors in attendance. The first executive team consisted of Everett Roberts, President, George Theobalds, Secretary-Treasurer, Elmore Taylor, Membership Director, and Harold Custon, Membership Chairman.
Over the years the Club has celebrated a number of special anniversaries at various Brantford locations.
- 10th at the Hotel Kerby,
- 15th at the Hotel Kerby,
- 20th at the Hotel Kerby,
- 25th at the Polish Hall,
- 50th at the Sherwood Restaurant,
- 70th at Woodman Community Centre, and
- 75th at Kirby’s Restaurant in the Best Western Hotel.
The Brantford Stamp Club has participated in the advancement and promotion of philately through the years.
- In 1945, Brantford joined with Clubs in Guelph, Kitchener, Galt, Waterloo, Paris and Preston to form the Grand River Valley Philatelic Association (GRVPA). The GRVPA is still active today and the participating Clubs changed with Brantford still a member.
- In 1947, Brantford members serviced for the general public over 12,000 First Day Covers of the four cent Alexander Graham Bell stamp issued on March 3, 1947.
- The Brantford Club along with other civic groups approached Canada Post to issue a stamp honoring E. Pauline Johnson, Mohawk poetess born on the Six Nations Reservation. The five cent commemorative stamp was issued on March 10, 1961.
- In 1974, the Club hosted a 3-day (July 26 – 28) philatelic show and exhibition (BELLPEX) to commemorate the centenary of the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell. The eight cent commemorative stamp was issued July 16, 1974.
Throughout the history of the Club, the meetings have involved presentations with a variety of subjects stamps (old and new), exhibiting, local history, bird migration, post cards, auctions, vacations and travel stories. The presenters are Club members, local historians (Ruth Lefler and Bruce Hill) and members from other Clubs or speakers who have an interesting topic.
The details in this short history are based on the short story Brantford Stamp Club History, 1938 – 2008, written by George E. Speers.