

The Brantford Stamp Club meets on a regular basis as follows:

  • 1st and 3rd Tuesday in September to November and January to May,
  • 1st Tuesday of December and June, and
  • Doors open at 7:00 pm and the meeting commences at 8:00 pm.

The meetings are held at Branlyn Community Centre (phone (519) 758-1444), 238 Brantwood Park Road in Brantford.  Access to the facility is via the east (on the left when facing the facility) end around the back.


Each meeting is scheduled to provide one or two of the following events:

  • Short business meeting (first meeting of the month),
  • Silent auction (items provided by members) that closes at about 7:45 pm,
  • Short Show and Tell by attendees,
  • Door prizes,
  • Refreshments,
  • Sales Circuit books (stamps provided by members), and
  • Speakers (invited guests or Club members).

Specific Dates

The following list provides the specific activity for the scheduled meetings. Check back here regularly for updates and any last minute updates or emergency information.

March 4, 2025 –  Club member Bob Anderson will be talking about “Canada’s “A” Stamp / MY Experience”. Show ‘n’ Tell.

March 18, 2025“Buy / Sell / Trade” night where members can sell or buy or trade items. Show ‘n’ Tell.

April 1, 2025“Show ‘n’ Tell / Ask” night where members can bring items to talk about or to ask questions and maybe receive positive information.

April 15, 2025 – TBD. Show ‘n’ Tell.

May 6, 2025 – TBD. Show ‘n’ Tell.

May 20, 2025“Executive Elections” (president, vice president, treasurer & secretary) plus volunteer for vacant director position. Show ‘n’ Tell.

June 3, 2025 – TBD. Show ‘n’ Tell.  Last meeting until September.

September 2, 2025“Meet & Greet” night when we welcome back members and greet new members. Show ‘n’ Tell.

Silent Auctions

Silent auctions are generally held prior to each meeting (close about 7:45 pm). There are some exceptions such as the meeting when the major auction is scheduled and the special meetings. See the meeting schedule for details.

This is an opportunity for members to submit items at the start of the meeting that are no longer required in their collection. Only members can submit items for the silent auction.